Surrogate Compensation
Monthly Allowance: $200 per month
-In lieu of itemized costs, this fee includes reimbursements for local mileage and childcare required for appointments, telephone calls, record requests, postage or shipping charges and miscellaneous expenses such as pregnancy test kits, vitamins, etc. Begins at point of matching to one month after birth.
Transfer Fee: $750
-Paid for each embryo transfer procedure to compensate surrogate for time, discomfort, and any lost wages and childcare required for transfer and the bed rest period immediately following.
Base Compensation: $20,000
-Paid in monthly installments of $2,000 beginning upon confirmation of fetal heartbeat by ultrasound. Fee may be higher for experienced surrogates.
Clothing Allowance: $500 singleton / $750 multiples
-Paid after completion of the first trimester.
If applicable: Cancelled Cycle Fee: $250
Mock Cycle Fee: $250
Loss of Reproductive Organs: $2,000
Invasive Procedures: $500 each
C- Section: $2,000
Multiple Fee: $5,000
Domestic Assistance (Housekeeping and Childcare)
-Actual reimbursement will be determined by contract terms.
Surrogate Lost Wages
-Actual reimbursement will be determined by contract terms.
Spouse Lost Wages
-Actual reimbursement will be determined by contract terms.